Wiktionary:About Prasuni

Prasuni (Vasi-veri, Vasi-vëri) is a Nuristani language spoken in Afghanistan.

Sound changes


Prasuni is defined by the unconditioned change of Proto-Nuristani *d (in all positions) to *l alongside the lenition of initial single consonants.



Prasuni has six dialects: Dewa (Üćü), Kshtoki (Üšüt), Pashki (Uṣüt), Pronz (Seć), Shtive (Ṣupu), and Zumu.



In Prasuni, words can have contrastive stress (per Strand 2007). There are three types of stress patterns in the Pronz dialect: type A (no stress), type B (nonfinal stress), and type C (final stress).

Orthographic notation


When notating Prasuni, a unified orthography system by Jakob Halfmann is used. Transcription conventions compared to Richard Strand include (V = any vowel):

  • a > ë
  • â > a
  • >
  • >
  • Vi > Vy
  • Vu, Vv > Vw
  • ǰ > j
  • ŋ >


  • Jakob Halfmann (2022) Advances in the historical phonology of the Nuristani languages, in International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction
  • Jakob Halfmann (2023) Lād "law": a Bactrian loanword in the Nuristani languages, in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London, United Kingdom
  • Richard Strand (1973) Notes on the Nūristāni and Dardic Languages, Brown University
  • Richard Strand (2007) Transcription and Pronunciation of the Nûristânî Languages
  • Richard Strand (2012) Nuristâni Etymological Lexicon