Wiktionary:Czech verb inflection-table templates

Obsolete templates: cs-conj-it, cs-conj-present. Please do not use them.

Experimental templates: cs-conj-at, cs-conj-at2, cs-conj-ovat, cs-conj-imperfective. Please use them only to test on few new verb and read or modify the talk page.

Conjugation-table templates are of this form: {{cs-conj-s}} and {{cs-conj-b-s}} with s the suffix of the verb and b the beginning of the verb when it is necessary to differentiate two identical suffixes like with {{cs-conj-pros-it}} and {{cs-conj-čist-it}}.

The first parameter is the infinitive of the verb with the inflectional suffix removed. Example: {{cs-conj-děl-at|umír}} for the verb umírat.

The second parameter is the letter 'p' for perfective case and only with templates of form {{cs-conj-b-s}}. Example: {{cs-conj-um-řít|um|p}} for the verb umřít

Other conjugation-table templates


Czech conjugation-table templates in other Wiktionaries:

Model conjugation-table templates in English Wiktionary:

See also
