
==(Language)== (examples: English, Portuguese, etc.) (level 2)

===Alternative forms=== (level 3)

===Etymology=== (level 3) (see note below for "Etymology 1", "Etymology 2", etc. sections)

===Production=== (level 3) (used in entries for sign languages)

===Pronunciation=== (level 3) (see note below for "Pronunciation 1", "Pronunciation 2", etc. sections)

===(Part of speech)=== (examples: Adjective, Noun, etc.) (level 3)

====Quotations==== (level 4)

====Inflection==== (level 4)

====Declension==== (level 4)

====Conjugation==== (level 4)

====Synonyms==== (level 4)

====Antonyms==== (level 4)

====Hyponyms==== (level 4)

====Hypernyms==== (level 4)

====Meronyms==== (level 4)

====Holonyms==== (level 4)

====Troponyms==== (level 4)

====Coordinate terms==== (level 4)

====Derived terms==== (level 4)

====Related terms==== (level 4)

====Descendants==== (level 4)

====Translations==== (level 4)

====Usage notes==== (level 3 or 4) (it can be placed anywhere appropriate)

====See also==== (level 3 or 4)

====External links==== (level 3 or 4)

===References=== (level 3 or 4)

===Statistics=== (level 3)

===Anagrams=== (level 3)