

Prepositional phrase



  1. backwards
    Synonym: a ritroso
    • 2013, chapter 3, in F. Scott Fitzgerald, translated by Ferruccio Russo, Il Grande Gatsby [The Great Gatsby], Edizioni Scientifiche e Artistiche, page 74:
      Ero sul punto di prendermi una grandiosa sbornia, per superare l'imbarazzo quando Jordan Baker uscì dalla casa e rimase in cima alle scale di marmo, chinandosi un po' all'indietro e mirando con sdegnoso interesse giù, verso il giardino.
      I was on my way to get roaring drunk from sheer embarrassment when Jordan Baker came out of the house and stood at the head of the marble steps, leaning a little backward and looking with contemptuous interest down into the garden.
      (literally, “I was on the verge of getting extremely drunk, to overcome the embarrassment, when Jordan Baker came out of the house and stayed on top of the marble stairs, leaning a bit backward and looking down with disdainful interest, toward the garden.”)