



apozene (plural apozenes)

  1. A medicinal herbal infusion.
    • 1691, Thomas Willis, A plain and easie method for preserving those that are well from the Infection of the Plague or any Contagious Distemper:
      Make this Apozene, and give two or three Ounces three or four times in a day.
    • 1944, The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, page 122:
      We may picture Vesal's impatience waiting the end of these divagating sessions, the final cautions against mistaking a julep for an apozene!
    • 1986, Social Biology and Human Affairs - Volumes 51-55, page 15:
      Hall was a firm believer in the powers of scurvy grass, and also of watercress (Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum sens. lat.) and brooklime (Veronica beccabunga sens. lat.), which his notes show were made either into an apozene (infusion) or were brewed with beer and flavoured with sugar, cinnamon, juniper berries, fennel roots and ...