




  1. plural of apparatus
    • 1755, Benjamin Martin, The General Magazine of Arts and Sciences, Philosophical, Philological, Mathematical, and Mechanical, 3rd edition, London: printed for W. Owen, page 324:
      Had this Thing been known 50 Years ago, there had then been doubtleſs fifty of theſe Apparatuſſes to one we find now.
    • 1842, William Jackson Hooker, The London Journal of Botany, volume I, London: Hippolyte Baillière, page 580:
      A classification based on the reunion of apparatusses engaged in the performance of one function, is identical with a classification founded on the reunion of apparatusses engaged in the performance of another function.
    • 1988, Peter Auer, Aldo di Luzio, editors, Variation and Convergence: Studies in Social Dialectology, Walter de Gruyter, →ISBN, page 29:
      The establishment of early modern state apparatusses is seen as a kind of continuous-flow water heater for this trickling down, where client-oriented apparatusses are seen as particularly central (lower administration, church, school, etc.).