Franco-Provençal edit

Alternative forms edit

Etymology edit

Inherited from Early Medieval Latin adrīpāre.

Verb edit


  1. to arrive (often followed by a location)
    Nos sens arrevâs a Paris por 9 hores.
    We arrived in Paris around 9 o'clock.
  2. to happen (unlike other translations of happen, can be used with an indirect object to specify something/somebody affected by the action)
    Cen ne m'arreve onques.
    That never happens to me.
  3. to be able to, to manage (to do something successfully) (see also parvegnir)
    Je su enfin arrevâ a rèpara ceta porta.
    I finally managed to repair that door.
  4. to obtain a level of success or fame.

Conjugation edit

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Please see Module:checkparams for help with this warning.

References edit

  • arriver in DicoFranPro: Dictionnaire Français/Francoprovençal – on