



arrow-root (countable and uncountable, plural arrow-roots)

  1. Alternative spelling of arrowroot
    • 1815 December (indicated as 1816), [Jane Austen], chapter XI, in Emma: [], volume III, London: [] [Charles Roworth and James Moyes] for John Murray, →OCLC, page 188:
      In Jane’s eyes she had been a rival; and well might any thing she could offer of assistance or regard be repulsed. An airing in the Hartfield carriage would have been the rack, and arrow-root from the Hartfield store-room must have been poison.
    • 1840 February 1, “Medico-botanical Society. Arrow-root, Genuine and Impure.—Test for Ascertaining Its Quality.—Skin Diseases.”, in Thomas Wakley, editor, The Lancet, volume I, number 857, London: Printed for the editor, by George Churchill, [], →OCLC, page 704:
      Dr. Ifill could state, with certainty, that all the arrow-root imported into this country from Barbadoes, was made from the maranta; [] The difference in the quality of the arrow-roots imported into this country, depended on the care which had been employed in the preparation. The greater number of times the fecula was washed, the purer it would be.