



asterseismology (uncountable)

  1. Alternative form of asteroseismology
    • 1986, W Dziembowski, Philip R Goode, “Asterseismology for certain Ap stars”, in Seismology of the Sun and the Distant Stars[1], Springer, →DOI, pages 441–451:
      The discovery by Kurtz of phase coherent, rapid oscillations in certain Ap stars holds great promise for the new field of asterseismology.
    • 2013 May, Alexander M Jablonski, Daniel Showalter, “Recent Advances in Assembly, Integration and Testing (AIT) at the David Florida Laboratory and Associated Risks”, in Proceedings of the NATO AVT-210 Specialists’ Meeting on Risk and Reliability Assessment and Validation for Small Spacecrafts[2], pages 13–16:
      The MOST (Microvariability and Oscillations of STars) was first Canadian space telescope dedicated to asterseismology and it got launched in 2003.
    • 2016, Gavin Ramsay, Pasi Hakala, Matt A Wood, Steve B Howell, Alan Smale, Martin Still, Thomas Barclay, “Continuous ‘stunted’ outbursts detected from the cataclysmic variable KIC 9202990 using Kepler data”, in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society[3], volume 455, number 3, Oxford University Press, →DOI, →ISSN, pages 2772–2777:
      Although the prime goal of the Kepler mission was to discover Earth-sized planets orbiting the host stars habitable zone (e.g. Borucki, et al. 2013), it has led to a revolution in the field of asterseismology across the HR diagram (e.g. Chaplin et al. 2014).