See also: bobby-sox and bobbysox





bobby sox pl (plural only)

  1. Alternative form of bobby socks.
    • 2007, Mary Ann Neeley, Montgomery and the River Region: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow, Montgomery, Ala.: Beers & Associates, L.L.C., →ISBN, page 104:
      Many girls are wearing their “bobby sox,” but some of the boys are more formally dressed with a tie or two in evidence.
    • 2014, James Ellroy, Perfidia, New York, N.Y.: Alfred A. Knopf, →ISBN, page 56:
      She sat down and crossed her legs. Her bobby sox clashed with her saddle shoes. It was a deliberate Screw you.
    • 2015, Paul F. Cummins, Confessions of a Headmaster, Pasadena, Calif.: XENO Books, Red Hen Press, →ISBN, page 81:
      I also remember my sister Mimi and her friends, wearing their bobby sox, shrieking whenever Frank Sinatra came on the radio.

Derived terms
