See also: bromèlia and bromélia







bromelia (plural bromelias)

  1. Synonym of bromeliad
    • 1842, The Gardener’s Magazine, and Register of Rural and Domestic Improvement, volume VIII, London, page 285:
      The road from the harbour to Trinidad de Cuba is bordered by hedges of bromelias enclosing fields and plantations; and among the bromelias are seen many plants of Erythrìna Crísta gálli, and a small fan-palm []
    • 1881, J. Minshull, transl., Land, Sea and Sky, or, Wonders of Life and Nature. A Description of the Physical Geography and Organic Life of the Earth., London: Ward, Lock, & Co., translation of original by Dr. Herman, J. Klein, and Dr. Thomé, pages 701 and 751:
      Mexico is also the home of the beautiful flowering Echeveriæ, and of many bromelias, among which the Ananassa sativa is not the least important, and many liliaceous trees (Dasylirion and Yucca) [] groups of many thousand palm trees are frequently to be seen; and among their stems, draped with bromelias, orchids, aroids, and other plants, the travellers like to select a place to pitch their tent, choosing by preference the Attalea spectabilis and Maximiliana princeps.
    • 1922, Alexander G[rant] Ruthven, The Amphibians and Reptiles of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, pages 42–43:
      [] in general it may be said that the moderately wet and wet forest area above 2,200 feet is without standing water except in the bromelias. [] It is clear that the bromelias must be considered a minor habitat for the groups under consideration. The Bromeliaciae are in general an important habitat in the wet forest above 4,500 feet.
    • 1989, Acta Agronomica Hungarica[1], page 182:
      A chapter is devoted to the special cultivation methods of some ornamentals (e.g. Bonsai, Bromelias, Cactuses, Orchideas), as well as to the arrangement of inner spaces, hobby greenhouses and indoor glass cabinets, and to indoor plant protection.





bromelia f (plural bromelias)

  1. Pre-reform spelling (used until 1943 in Brazil and 1911 in Portugal) of bromélia.




  • IPA(key): /bɾoˈmelja/ [bɾoˈme.lja]
  • Rhymes: -elja
  • Syllabification: bro‧me‧lia



bromelia f (plural bromelias)

  1. bromeliad