



From its supposed resemblance to the fuck (semen) of a bull.



bull-fuck (uncountable)

  1. (rare, US, Canada, vulgar, colloquial) Thick, creamy white gravy or stew.
    • 1984, John B. Sanford, The Winters of that Country: Tales of the Man Made Seasons, David R. Godine Publisher, →ISBN, page 237:
      [] the jury was out for only three hours, including a one-hour intermission for lunch (chitlins and poke sallat? winnies and coke? hot plates with bull-fuck gravy?), and their verdict was Guilty.
    • 1985, John Sanford, John B. Sanford, Scenes from the Life of an American Jew: The color of the air:
      [...] gravy, which the kids call bull-fuck, and they take half shares of yours when you refuse it. At mid-day, a trusty brings sowbelly and grits, more bull-fuck, and they split that too. In the afternoon , you're taken before a []
    • 1987, John B. Sanford, Scenes from the Life of an American Jew, page 20:
      [He pointed] at a bowl of flour gravy, and he said, 'Pass the bull-fuck.' He was still there at that table, you saw, still hearing the same paralyzing phrase: it was an abomination still scrawled on his mind. 'Pass the bull-fuck,' Lynn said again []
    • 1991 10, Arthur Robert Killingbeck, U. S. Army Privates, Sergeants, Fire and Smoke, →ISBN, pages 40-41:
      "Huntanpeck, make a bullfuck," Sergeant Lotumi told me one day. [He demonstrated how to make it.] He took the wire beater tool from me and stirred the stew as he poured in the mixture. Shortly the results became apparent. I watched the stew become thicker. The sergeant looked at me and smiled and said to me, "Soldier, that is what's known as a bullfuck!” I laughed []

See also


Further reading

  • 2005, Jonathon Green, Cassell's Dictionary of Slang, Sterling Publishing Company, Inc., →ISBN, page 202:
    bull fuck n. [1910s+] (US/Can.) 1 cream gravy (cf. GRAVY n.1). 2 custard. 3 stew thickened with flour. [SE bull + fig. use of FUCK n.2 (1)]
  • Strong Fucking Language