



burglarious +‎ -ness



burglariousness (uncountable)

  1. the state or quality of being burglarious.
    • 1837, The Gambler's Dream. [A Novel.], page 184:
      I say that I should not have been so sorry if the breeze had set the other way; if honest Will Wareham had tapped your belly, Tom, instead of being forced to put up with your burglariousness upon his'n.
    • 1872, The Connecticut School Journal, page 85:
      The success of these corrupt influences, as also their inexpressible meanness, depends upon their plausible and innumerable disguises under palatable names. They are not the open burglariousness of the footpad, but something far lower.
    • 2015, Richard Lansdown, Byron's Letters and Journals: A New Selection, OUP Oxford, →ISBN, page xxi:
      —but in the hope that time and better treatment will reclaim the present burglariousness and larcenous tendencies which have followed from this General Gaol delivery.