




  1. (archaic) second-person singular simple past indicative of cause
    • 1612, Paulo Hentznero, Itinerarium Germaniæ, Galliæ; Angliæ; Italiæ, Norinbergæ: [] Abrahami VVagenmanni [], pages 144–145:
      Oh fortune thy Wreſting vvavering ſtate,
      Hath franght vvith Cares my troubled vvitt;
      Wheſe vvitnes this preſent priſonn late,
      Could beare mhere once vvas Ioy ſloune quitt,
      Thon cauſedſt the gniltle to be loſed,
      Frombandes vvehre innocents vvehre indosed,
      And conſed the gniltles, te be reſerned.
    • 1612, Philip Morney, translated by Samson Lennard, The Mysterie of Iniquitie: That Is to Say, The Historie of the Papacie. [], London: [] Adam Islip, page 177:
      After a whole monethes attendance thou ſenteſt for vs, we came in all haſt, without feare of harme, and thou cauſedſt vs to bee vſed like a companie of theeues; []
    • a. 1616, Iohn White, The Way to the True Church: [], London: [] Richard Field for Iohn Bill and William Barret, published 1616, page 38:
      [] therefore Auſtin prayeth, Thee, O my God, I beſeech pardon my ſinne, and which cauſedſt thy ſeruant Moſes to ſpeake the truth, cauſe me alſo to vnderſtand it.
    • 1624, Io[hn] Norden, A Poore Mans Rest: Founded vpon Motiues, Meditations, Prayers. and Expressing to the Inward Man, True Consolation, in All Kindes and Times of Affliction, London: [] T. S. for Iohn Budge, [], page 101:
      O Lord forbid it, and keēpe vs from the moſt pernicious ſinne of adultery, which being ſo odious in thy ſight, as thou cauſedſt to fall in one day for the ſame twenty and threē thouſand, but indue vs with thine holy Spirit, that weē may keēpe our bodies cleane and vndefiled members of theē, []
    • 1634, Iohn Clarke, Holy Incense for the Censers of the Saints. Or, A Method of Prayer, with Matter, and Formes in Selected Sentences of Sacred Scripture. [], London: [] Robert Milbourne, [], page 218:
      They digged deepe to hide their counſell from thee, but the darkeneſſe hideth not from thee, thou broughteſt to light their workes of darkeneſſe, thou cauſedſt their own tongus to make them to fall—[]
    • [1635], Iohn Cousturier, Nichodemus His Gospel, page 60:
      [] what harme diddeſt thou vnto vs, when thou cauſedſt the king of glory to be crucified, Ah thou falſe Satan, thou knoweſt not what thou haſt done?