

Alternative spelling of cimeter



cimiter (plural cimiters)

  1. Obsolete spelling of scimitar.
    • 1625, Philippus CAMERARIUS, The Living Librarie ... Done Into English by I. Molle ... with Some Additions [including Parts of Centuria II] by H. Molle, His Sonne. The Second Edition, page 299:
      [] That he had simply without fraud or guile sent him his owne Cimiters with the which he vsed to helpe himselfe couragiously in the wars but that hee had not sent him the hand and arme, which with the Cimiter cleft the Turkes in two, []
    • 1732, Archibald Bower, Historia Litteraria, page 458:
      The usual Arms of the Persians were, a Sabre or Cimiter, [...] a Javelin pointed with Iron, the Bow and Arrow, and the Sling, for offensive Weapons; and for defensive, besides Shields and Helmets, they wore Cuirasses, Brassets, and Cuishes.
    • 1836, Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea, Or Historical Narratives of the Most Noted Calamities, and Providential Deliverances from Fire and Famine on the Ocean ..., page 39:
      As soon as they discovered us they came running towards us in the most frantic manner, with drawn cimiters, and stripped us amid the most frantic yells.

