See also: compote and compoté





Borrowed from French compôte, itself an alternative form of more usual compote.



compôte (plural compôtes)

  1. Alternative spelling of compote
    • 1868, Eliza Acton, “Chapter XXIII. Sweet Dishes, or Entremets.”, in The Menu Book, for Private Families, Reduced to a System of Easy Practice, in a Series of Carefully Tested Receipts, in Which the Principles of Baron Liebig and Other Eminent Writers Have Been as Much as Possible Applied and Explained., London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, Compôtes of Fruit. (Or Fruit stewed in Syrup.), page 458:
      Compôte of Morella cherries.—Boil together for fifteen minutes, six ounces of sugar with half a pint of water; add a pound and a quarter of ripe Morella cherries, and simmer them very softly from five to seven minutes: this is a delicious compôte.
    • 1879, Juliet Corson, “Chapter X. Dessert Dishes.”, in Twenty-Five Cent Dinners for Families of Six., 13th edition, New York: Orange Judd Company, Melon Compôte, page 72:
      Boil gently for ten minutes, take up the melon in a glass dish, cool the syrup a little, and pour it over the melon. Serve the compôte cold; it is delicious, and costs only about twenty-five cents.
    • 1929, Charles Herman Senn, “Cold Sweets”, in Luncheon and Dinner Sweets, Including the Art of Ice Making, →ISBN, Compôte of Peaches:
      Blanch the fruit in boiling water, then drain, and very carefully remove the skin, cut the peaches in halves and take out the stones. Have ready some syrup, and proceed as directed for apricot compôte.
    • 1943, Ivie Priestnall-Holden, 750 Dishes from Overseas, Macmillan Publishers:
      Apple compôte à la Durban calls for 2 lbs. cooking apples, 6 oz sugar, 1 clove and 1 lemon. [] / Damson compôte, 160 [] / Strawberry compôte, Durban, 224
    • 2003 August 12, Rusty Hinge, “Re: Re: Re: Passiflora Query”, in uk.rec.gardening (Usenet), message-ID <>:
      Gave up smoking leaves ten years ago or more, so most of my leafmould is added to compôte, which it thickens nicely.
    • 2009 March 31, Grace Cheetham, “Muesli with Summer Fruit Compôte”, in Simply Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free: Breakfasts Lunches Treats Dinners Desserts, Osprey Publishing, →ISBN:
      Serve the mueli with the compôte and with soya yogurt and soya milk, if you like.
    • 2007, Gary Hunter, Terry Tinton, Patrick Carey, Stephen Walpole, “Desserts”, in Professional Chef – Level 2 S/NVQ, Cengage Learning, →ISBN, Vanilla rice pudding with warm lemon and almond madeleines, page 510:
      For the rhubarb compôte, wash, trim and slice the rhubarb. Place all the compôte ingredients together into a saucepan and slowly stew until the rhubarb has cooked through.
    • 2009, Fiona Beckett, quoting Guy, “Other Ideas for Fruity Breakfasts”, in The Ultimate Student Cookbook, Bloomsbury Publishing, →ISBN, Top Student Tips, page 48:
      Warm leftover compôte can turn back-of-the-freezer vanilla ice cream into a more interesting dessert.
    • 2009, “A New Dish of Apples”, in Belgian Cuisine, TP Verone Publishing, →ISBN, page 40:
      Mix all together and, taking a fireproof dish, put a little water in the bottom of it and then some fine breadcrumbs, sufficient to cover the bottom. Pour in your compôte, then, above that, a layer of fine breadcrumbs, and here and there a lump of fresh butter, which will prevent the breadcrumbs from burning.
    • 2009 December 28, Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, “Proper Diet”, in Yoga: Your Home Practice Companion, Dorling Kindersley, →ISBN, Dried fruit compôte, page 224:
      In summer, fresh fruit can be used for a healthy fruit salad – but in winter, a warm compôte of dried fruit may be more appealing.
    • 2012 August, Franck Dangereux, “Roasted goat's cheese with guava and ginger compote and cinnamon-chilli oil”, in Feast at Home, Quivertree Publications, →ISBN, Make the Compôte, page 89:
      If necessary, add a little water so that the texture is like a runny jam. Allow to cool. (Hint: quadruple the recipe as this compôte is utterly delicious with any other cheeses, including Gorgonzola, and keeps beautifully in the fridge.)
    • 2013 September 26, Matt Tebbutt, quotee, “Rice”, in Saturday Kitchen Cooking Bible: 200 Delicious Recipes Cooked in the Nation's Favourite Kitchen, Orion Publishing Group, →ISBN, Caramelised rice pudding with spiced plum compôte:
      The ultimate nursery pud! The plum compôte spices things up nicely, but you can serve this with any seasonal fruits in abundance, or you could simply top the pudding with a dollop of strawberry jam, if you prefer.







compôte f (plural compôtes)

  1. Alternative form of compote [chiefly until 18th century]
    • 1998 October 28, El Gringo, “re: recette langouste + pommes fruits+ safran”, in fr.rec.cuisine (Usenet), message-ID <71813t$21s$>:
      Je suis à la recherche d’une recette mettant en jeu des queues de langouste et une compôte de pommes safranéés.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 2001 February 3, <>, “Re: Tarte basque”, in fr.rec.cuisine (Usenet), message-ID <95gevd$kpd$>:
      On peut remplacer la crème par de la confiture de cerises noires, de prunes, de la crème de pruneaux, de la compôte de poires et pommes...
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 2001 October 30, Christian Callec, “Re: montus 94”, in fr.rec.boissons.vins (Usenet), message-ID <>:
      Autre suggestion: un bon rôti de porc pas trop maigre au four, servi avec une compôte d’échalottes et des pommes de terre sautées à la graisse d’oie.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 2003 January 30, Gabriel Monnier, “Re: [grillé aux pommes] [recette !]”, in fr.rec.cuisine (Usenet), message-ID <>:
      Rester à la maison est un choix, mais travailler en trois huit à la chaîne c’est plus dur que de faire la compôte pour le quatre heure.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)