



crap circus (plural crap circuses)

  1. (slang, vulgar) A thoroughly chaotic and disorganized situation; a shitfest.
    Synonym: shit circus
    • 2000 July 28, DEEDA, “Olympic Torch Relay”, in aus.radio.scanner[1] (Usenet):
      I didn't have a scanner with me but it certainly seemed like a big promo for AMP and a bit of a crap circus.
    • 2001 October 9, Deana M. Holmes, “Teresa Summers”, in alt.religion.scientology[2] (Usenet):
      You people wouldn't listen to me, or to others. So listen to a woman who has been directly harmed by Stacy's ongoing crap circus.
    • 2010 March 27, Mick the Merciless, “No, don't laugh”, in acadia.chat[3] (Usenet):
      Now you'll have to furnish some references to those claims since I can find none. It smacks of the whole sickening crap circus that goes around trying to discredit the guy.
    • 2012, Will Davis, The Trapeze Artist, London,  []: Bloomsbury Publishing, →ISBN, page 73:
      'I tell that arsehole, I been putting up with your shit for too long. You say no to me and I quit! Then let's see how you and your fucking crap circus get on then, eh?!'
    • 2013 October 7, Charlotte Allen, “Womb for Rent”, in The Weekly Standard, volume 19, number 5, Washington, D.C.: Clarity Media Group, →ISSN, →OCLC, page 26:
      Scatologically denouncing "this latest crap circus ... blazing out of the poop shoot of India" on his company's blog, Planet Hospital CEO Rudy Rupak on February 4 unveiled a $38,000 (plus another $12,000 for the egg-donor) surrogacy package in Thailand and a $36,500 south-of-the-border package.
    • 2016 February 9, “The 9-8”, in Brooklyn Nine-Nine, season 3, episode 15, spoken by Charles Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio):
      Well, I think it was a crap circus. This whole operation is blown.
    • 2017, Doug Lamoreux, Red Herrings Can't Swim, Next Chapter, published 2021, →ISBN:
      But no, Mickey was not our Sideshow geek. This crap circus don't have one.
    • 2021, Linda Lael Miller, Country Proud, Toronto, O.N.: Harlequin Books, →ISBN:
      As he'd predicted, the whole cluster grew into an instant crap circus, complete with flying monkeys.