



crappitude (uncountable)

  1. Alternative form of crapitude.
    • 1996 June 27, David McKinnon, “Worst Dalek Story”, in rec.arts.drwho (Usenet):
      How about "Death to the Daleks" for sheer crappitude? Slow, utterly predictable, with annoying characters and *hilarious* incidental music. When I heard the Dalek theme, for example, I just about died laughing.
    • 1996 July 7, Why?, “Bellwether -- a book full of crap”, in bit.listserv.words-l (Usenet):
      The symbolic value of "The pied piper of Hamelyn" would have been ordinarily too subtle. It is hence repeated over all chapters till we begin to smell a rat and realize that it is all referring to fads. There is an encyclopedic--but far duller and shorter--entry on some "fad" or the other preceding every chapter. But only Alex Trebeck cares about burblers of facts. I take it on faith that the story involves chaos theory. In short, there are many ways in which the book displays its total crappitude. Hence it has to belong to SF even though it might be a very serious novel of ideas.
    • 1996 November 27, Michael Ruthere Quaife-Dalton, “my circle of existence (part2)”, in alt.music.chapel-hill (Usenet):
      The foot-in-mouth disease that I displayed in my previous post (and have been afflicted with since birth) is precisely why I don't like to mention my band's name too much. People might think my band's crap just because of all the crud that I type. Rather than assessing our crappitude without prejudice. Plus Ross might not approve.
    • 1998 January 4, hotbread, “Worst movie you've seen”, in alt.cult-movies (Usenet):
      I think the movie itself is very crappy. But when you look at the situation behind the making of the movie, it just transcends crap-ness and achieves a whole new level of crappitude.
    • 1999 January 18, Ben Flieger, “Steve Karsay may be hurt”, in alt.sports.baseball.cleve-indians (Usenet):
      > One of those spots obviously will go to a backup outfielder / >(Cruz, A.Ramirez, Whiten, D.Roberts). / D. Roberts?????!?!? Is this your ramblings or the Indians? Newflash[sic] everyone: Roberts is easily the worst of these, not even Ramirez can beat his crappitude. Yeah, he battered AA for half a season. He is 26 years old. That helps. Branyan battered AA for half a season at _22_.
    • 1999 February 5, Stunt Borg, “Review of the New Sabbat Guide”, in alt.games.whitewolf (Usenet):
      Everything is more desperate. Everything is more hateful. Everything is exaggerated and distended into a nihilistic, dystopic parody of anything you'd recognize as the real world. Granted, you can just take most of that exaggeration and shove it. You can work to keep the 'Darkness' in the WoD in the unseen background where it more properly belongs, in my opinion. But the theme of the works is that of a World of Complete Crappitude. It is *not* 'our world with some nasty stuff in the shadows', it is our world completely soaked, drenched, and overrun with shadows.
    • 1999 June 26, Barry S. Mandel, “Why fight it?”, in alt.sports.baseball.ny-mets (Usenet):
      >> >So what you are saying is that Rey must get his OBP equal to some of the / >> >most productive hitters in MLB to even be considered decent??? / >> Where the hell did he say anything even remotely like that? / >He said that if it wasnt, Rey would "suck". / Wrong. He said that if Rey's OBA dropped 50 points from where it is now, Rey would suck once again. And he's right, since that would put Ordonez right back at the same level of crappitude he was before this hot streak.
    • 1999 August 21, Kirrily 'Skud' Robert, “Web lusers...”, in alt.sysadmin.recovery (Usenet):
      I used to work for Australia Post, not in any postal-delivery capacity (though several times almost in a "postal" capacity), but as "EPOS Support/Technical Analyst". Now, as we all know, job descriptions mean jack shit. What I actually did was: - angst about the crappitude of all the databases around me - rant about my inability to get direct access to said databases - throw together nasty kluges to extract data from databases I didn't have access to - put reports based on said data, with nifty pie charts, on my boss's desk, and my boss's boss's desk, yesterday if not sooner
    • 2007, John ‘Ol’ Chumbucket’ Baur, Mark ‘Cap’n Slappy’ Summers, The Maracaibo Caper: The Third ‘Festering Boil’ Adventure, →ISBN:
      “ENOUGH! Enough of this pittle-prattle! I’ll be rid of the both of you soon enough!” Marco Pollo could barely contain his rage at this point. “Well, I wish you would hurry it up.” McCormack said, “I’ve got to be getting back to my ship – they’re expecting me.” Marco Pollo allowed himself a moment to revel in his crappitude. “Oh, my large friend, let me be the first to console you. Your comrades are no doubt dead by now []
    • 2008, Jincy Willett, The Writing Class, New York, N.Y.: Thomas Dunne Books, →ISBN, page 59:
      Okay, so it’s just one more crappy event in an endless, yet terrifyingly finite, stream of crappitude. Suck it up.
    • 2008 May 16, Charlie Jane Anders, “Science Fiction Is The Literature Of Refugees”, in Gizmodo[1], archived from the original on 3 March 2022:
      When you think about the archetypal science fiction story, chances are you think of the bold explorer, setting foot on a newfound planet in the name of a secure homeworld. But possibly the most pervasive narrative in science fiction is actually the story of refugees. They flee from planetary destruction, war, or just from overcrowding and ecological crappitude.
    • 2011, David H. Martinez, “Teams, Leagues, and Other Groups”, in The Book of Baseball Literacy: Nearly 700 People, Places, Events, Teams, Stats, Stories, and More—Everything You Need to Know in One Massive Book, 3rd edition, →ISBN, page 183:
      A solid if unspectacular team for its first decade of existence, featuring Hall of Famers Cy Young and Jesse Burkett, the Cleveland Spiders in 1899 reached a level of crappitude unmatched in baseball history. What happened was, the club was owned by the same group that owned the St. Louis Cardinals, so the Spiders’ best players—including Young, Burkett, and Bobby Wallace—were scuttled to St. Louis to assist in a pennant race with Brooklyn—which, not coincidentally, was also a “syndicate” team.
    • 2011 October 19, Michael Cummings, “English Premier League: 20 Worst Managers in League History”, in Bleacher Report[2], archived from the original on 21 October 2011:
      Famous for: Unmatched crappitude. [] Wilkinson lost 13—count 'em 13!—of his 20 league matches with Sunderland from October 2002 to March 2003.
    • 2015, Annie Harper, editor, Summer Love: An LGBTQ Collection, Duet, →ISBN, page 8:
      We have three days until the glorious crappitude that is the St. Claire Pride Parade, and do we want our presence in the parade to suck, Kaiylee?
    • 2023, Joel Hollier, quoting James, ““I Can’t Un-Meet Jesus” LGBTQA+ Faith Reconstruction”, in Religious Trauma, Queer Identities: Mapping the Complexities of Being LGBTQA+ in Evangelical Churches, Palgrave Macmillan, →ISBN, page 109:
      At home, it was very much needing to earn forgiveness for the general level of crappitude in this constant sense that you would never be good enough, and that's what grace is.