
English Wikipedia has an article on:



Blend of donor +‎ sibling



dibling (plural diblings)

  1. (informal) A donor-conceived sibling; an individual who is biologically connected through donated sperm or eggs.
    • 2016, Susan Golombok, Regulating Reproductive Donation, page 177:
      There could, however, be discrepancies in parents' feelings about meetings within what are sometimes referred to as 'dibling' groups, with some mothers reporting how others had initially been very 'cautious', 'guarded' or 'hesitant'.
    • 2018, Rosanna Hertz, Margaret K. Nelson, Random Families:
      [] donor siblings, diblings are commonplace within Cara and Marlene's crowd.
    • 2018, "Marie", quoted in Marna Gatlin, Carole LieberWilkins, Let's Talk About Egg Donation: Real Stories from Real People
      I look at my twins often and am amazed at how the one who looks like her egg donor "diblings" looks less like me than the one who looks like her sperm donor "diblings".
    • 2019, Frances J. Latchford, Steeped in Blood: Adoption, Identity, and the Meaning of Family:
      Additionally, the bio-genealogical imperative is realized by fertility science in other familiar ways. It has spawned a similarly motivated search movement and, in popular vernacular, “dibling” or “donor-sibling registries,” wherein “donor children” (i.e., born of sperm or egg donation or both) seek their bio-genealogical origins, rights and open records for much the same reason as adoptees.

