




  1. plural of disabled
    • 1991, South African Journal of Labour Relations - Volume 15, page 50:
      This is so despite the fact that the disableds are better qualified and their performance within the work situation the same or even better than that of their ablebodied counterparts.
    • 1992 January, Ski, page 30:
      Leimkuehler, founder and president of PEL, a prosthetics supply company, spent the next 35 years skiing whenever he could, promoting the sport to other disableds.
    • 2008, Mikael Holmqvist, The Institutionalization of Social Welfare, page 138:
      This knowledge cannot be articulated in its entirety (written or spoken) but exists ensconced in distinctive organizational practices. To this extent, it is not possible to reduce the occupationally disableds' experience of occupational disability []
    • 2014, Mona Simpson, A Regular Guy:
      He didn't like talking about this with her and didn't realize until just now that there was a whole realm he talked about only with other disableds.

