



Blend of feminist +‎ nerd.





feminerd (plural feminerds)

  1. (slang) A feminist nerd, especially a woman.
    • 2012, Rob Salkowitz, Comic-Con and the Business of Pop Culture: What the World’s Wildest Trade Show Can Tell Us About the Future of Entertainment, McGraw Hill Professional, →ISBN, page 82:
      The rise of the Internet poured gasoline on the fire, creating spaces for feminerds to come out of the woodwork and share their passions.
    • 2012, Jessica Bickford, "No girls allowed", The Carillion (University of Reginia), Volume 55, Issue 2, 2 August 2012 - 5 September 2012, page 14:
      This 'boys' club' attitude that girls can't be geeks is still a major stumbling block for feminerds and girls who want to break into geek culture.
    • 2014 October 21, Whitney Beyer, “Women fight to be nerd”, in Vanguard, volume 69, number 11, Portland State University, page 18:
      Bored with assumptions that women and girls who participate in nerd culture are somehow faking it—or worse, that they are only doing it to appease their geeky boyfriends—feminerds are turning up the volume to air their grievances with widespread sexism in geek communities.