



fenochia (plural not attested)

  1. Obsolete spelling of finocchio. [18th–19th centuries]
    • 1751, Jethro Tull, Horſe-Hoeing Husbandry (3rd ed.), page 49
      Fenochia removed is never ſo good and tender as that which is not, it receives ſuch a Check in Tranſplanting in its Infancy; which, like the Rickets, leaves Knots that indurate the Parts of the Fennel, and ſpoil it from being a Dainty.
    • 1814, Sir John Sinclair [dir.], General Report of the Agricultural State, and Political Circumstances, of Scotland, volume 2, pages 107–108:
      In the superior class of gardens we generally find, in addition to the above,…Fennel, Fenochia, and rarely Dill.