



goſſe m

  1. obsolete typography of gosse (boy)
    • 1750 December 8, “Tanckar oͤfwer Swordoms-Laſten [Reflections upon the Vice of Profanity]”, in Götheborgs Weckolista, page 4:
      Man kunde waͤl beraͤtta en artig haͤndelſe, huru en hielte at ſwaͤrja af en liten goſſe, jemte några andra omſtaͤndigheter, blef ſkraͤmd ur sin ſaͤng och kammare, samt afſkraͤckt, åtminſtone til en tid, från en ſå faſelig wana; []
      One might well recount a diverting incident, how a hero, by swearing at a little boy, along with some other circumstances, was frighted out of his bed and chamber, and discouraged, at least for a time, from such a dreadful habit; []