




  1. (obsolete) plural of granary
    • 1664 July 4 (date written; Gregorian calendar), Samuel Pepys, Mynors Bright, transcriber, “June 24th, 1664”, in Henry B[enjamin] Wheatley, editor, The Diary of Samuel Pepys [], volumes (please specify |volume=I to X), London: George Bell & Sons []; Cambridge: Deighton Bell & Co., published 1893–1899, →OCLC:
      Up and out with Captain Witham in several places again to look for oats for Tangier, and among other places to the City granarys []
    • 1751, William Paterson, John Law, Proposals and Reasons for Constituting a Council of Trade in Scotland:
      [] this considerable consumption of grain by the poor will not only greatly contribute to the keeping up and maintaining the granarys, and help to give the corn a natural currency at home []