



From Afrikaans grootslang (great snake), from groot (great, big) +‎ slang (snake).



grootslang (plural grootslangs)

  1. A South African cryptid with the head of an elephant and the body of a snake, which reputedly eats elephants and hoards diamonds; one particular one (the Grootslang) is reputed to live in a cave in South Africa connected to the sea.
    • 2016, Rocco Ryg, The Genocide Gene: The Onryo Saga, →ISBN:
      Two more grootslangs appeared on either side of their leader, both larger and more frightening than the one he had made in the museum.
    • 2017, H. K. Varian, The Changer War, →ISBN:
      While he watched, one of the selkies drenched one of Sakura's grootslangs with a water shield, much like the one Fiona had used with Ray only days earlier. Had it been only days earlier? It felt like a lifetime ago. The water hit the grootslang right in the face.