



From homo- +‎ -misia, coined as an alternative to homophobia.



homomisia (uncountable)

  1. (rare) Hatred of homosexuals.
    Synonyms: gay-hate, homophobia
    • 1996 May 26, Matthew Rabuzzi, “the word homophobia”, in alt.usage.english[1] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-01-30:
      Many have now expressed logomisia (dislike or hatred of a word) for the word 'homophobia', partly because the 'phobia' part suggests fear rather than hate (and also because that seems to dignify it as a psychiatric condition).
      Taking a parallel from the word 'logomisia', then, one could propose 'homomisia' (or 'homophilomisia', rather unwieldy). However, like DvBrighoff's coinage 'erastophobia', it'll never catch on in the real world.
    • 2010, Masiiwa Ragies Gunda, The Bible and Homosexuality in Zimbabwe[2]:
      The argument that homophobia or homomisia was never part of the indigenous communities but was introduced by Europeans during the colonial era is an interesting assertion.
    • 2018 Spring, Nico Mostella, “What Does It Mean to Be Black & Queer?”, in Uhuru Magazine, Kent, Ohio: Kent State University, page 11:
      [Jordin Manning:] Not everybody is gonna know that I go by they/them pronouns, but there are other people who just have an aversion, or what I have known to be called as, transmisia or homomisia (-misia means aversion,) as opposed to phobia, to not further stigmatize people who have legit phobias.
    • 2020 May 1, rachel...@gmail.com, “Lolehoth Community Láadan Zine”, in laadan[3] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-01-30:
      Any hateful content and bigotry will not be permitted. This includes trans-exclusionary content, racism, sexism, homomisia (hatred of homosexuality) or other sexualities (including asexuality), and so on.
    • 2020 November 16, Данилов, “диклайн 2020 11”, in alt.russian.z1[4] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-01-30:
      The problems in this country that feed white supremacy—racism, patriarchy, capitalism, colonialism, misogyny, homomisia, transmisia, Islammisia, xenomisia—are systemic.