immunization passport





immunization passport (plural immunization passports)

  1. A document that tracks an individual's vaccinations, particularly for children.
    • 1979, California Nurse, volume 74, California Nurses Association, page 21:
      IMMUNIZATION PASSPORT URGED STATEWIDE - CNA members have been asked by the State Department of Health Services to join in a campaign to familiarize parents, and all health providers with a new standardized California Immunization Passport.
    • 1997, Laurens van den Broek, editor, Health Cards '97, IOS Press, →ISBN, page 69; republished as Annet J. Sikkel, editor, (Please provide a date or year):
      With regard to healthcare we are thinking about additional data for a capitation system in primary health care, data for electronic prescription, immunization passport, characteristics on health care provided by physicians, etc.
    • 2021 July 22, Khan Sharun et al., “COVID-19 vaccination passport: prospects, scientific feasibility, and ethical concerns”, in Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics:
      A vaccination passport (also known as “vaccination certificate,” “immunization passport,” or “digital health pass”) is a document that provides proof of vaccination and certifies that the holder is protected from illness.

See also
