



intraconnexion (plural intraconnexions)

  1. Dated spelling of intraconnection.
    • 1962, R. H. Norman, J. R. Nall, “Micrologic Elements”, in Electronics Reliability & Microminiaturization, volume 1, Pergamon Press, pages 252 and 254:
      The visible patterns are the deposited intraconnexions. [] Of course, the oxide layer itself serves a very useful purpose as an insulating substrate upon which the micrologic element intraconnexions are deposited.
    • 1966, G[eoffrey] W[illiam] A[rnold] Dummer, N[orman] E[ric] Hyde, Connectors, Relays and Switches, London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd., page 118:
      In this, the top-surface intraconnexions between devices are made strong in the same way as the leads from the circuit.
    • 1967, Helmut Wolf, Kenneth Greenough, “The Trend Toward Monolithic Subsystems”, in Microelectronics and Reliability, volume 6, Pergamon Press, page 298:
      Multi-layer intraconnexions utilize two or more levels of metal intraconnexion networks, separated by a deposited insulating dielectric film. The first level intraconnexion forms the ohmic contacts to the semiconductor devices; []
    • 1969, August Closs, editor, Twentieth Century German Literature, New York, N.Y.: Barnes & Noble Inc., page xxi:
      The classification of literature into the magic triad of specific genres: lyrical—dramatic—epic, has tempted many scholars and critics to overlook the intra[-]connexions within the trichotomy
    • 1997, Nicolae Mărgineanu, Logical and Mathematical Psychology: Dialectical Interpretation of Their Relations, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, →ISBN, page 36:
      Mathematical logic approached the internal structure of the variable itself in terms of intraconnexion of its parts in its whole.
    • 2020, Pierre Fraigniaud, Magnús M. Halldórsson, Alexandre Nolin, “Distributed Testing of Distance-k Colorings”, in Andrea Werneck Richa, Christian Scheideler, editors, Structural Information and Communication Complexity: 27th International Colloquium, SIROCCO 2020, Paderborn, Germany, June 29 – July 1, 2020, Proceedings, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, →ISBN, page 284:
      The vertices of such that the Gx,y are partitioned into two sets VA and VB, and the edges are such that the colors and intraconnexions of VA’s vertices only depend on x, and similarly with VB’s vertices and y, while the interconnexions between a vertices of VA and VB are fixed and therefore independent of x and y.