



lycanthropia (uncountable)

  1. Alternative form of lycanthropy
    • 1621, Democritus Junior [pseudonym; Robert Burton], “Dotage, Phrensie, Madnesse, Hydrophobia, Lycanthropia, Chorus sancti viti, Extasis”, in The Anatomy of Melancholy, [], Oxford, Oxfordshire: [] John Lichfield and Iames Short, for Henry Cripps, →OCLC, partition 1, section 1, member 1, subsection 4, page 13:
      Of this Fury there be divers kindes, []. The moſt knowne are theſe, Lycanthropia, Hydrophobia, Chorus ſancti viti. Lycanthropia, which Avicenna calles Cucubuth, others Lupinam inſaniam, or Woolfe madneſſe, when men runne howling about graues and fields in the night, and will not be perſwaded but that they are Wolues, or ſome ſuch beaſts.