



lysimetric (not comparable)

  1. Carried out by means of a lysimeter.
    • 1894 January, Harvey W. Wiley, “The waste and conservation of plant food”, in Journal of the American Chemical Society[1], volume 16, number 1, page 6:
      Various methods of lysimetric investigation have been proposed and used, all of them possessing many points of value.
    • 1968, Vladimir Vasilʹevich Romanov, Evaporation from Bogs in the European Territory of the USSR, page 63:
      Therefore, their water table should be maintained at the same level as in the surrounding peat deposit, i.e. lysimetric evaporimeters must be used, for instance the GGI B-1000 type.
    • 2012, V. Vancura, Soil Microbial Associations: Control of Structures and Functions[2]:
      Lysimetric experiments represent one of the relatively precise methods for arriving at the balance of important biogenic elements in the soil — plant system.