



From magicless +‎ -ness.



magiclessness (uncountable)

  1. The state, quality, or condition of being magicless
    • 1988, J. J. Steinfeld, Forms of Captivity and Escape, page 30:
      He had only one more incarnation left after this one anyway, and his earthly journey would be over, the bargain complete: ten incarnations, six hundred years, afterwards only the darkness and magiclessness.
    • 2002, Robin Mckinley, Spindle's End:
      This did mean that when the eldest child of each generation of the ruling family came to the age to be married (and, just to be safe, his or her next- younger and perhaps next-younger-after-that siblings) there was a great search and examination of possible candidates in terms of their magiclessness first, and their honesty, integrity, intelligence, and so on, []