




  1. plural of mandir
    • 1998, Dave Symmons, This is Hinduism[1], Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes, →ISBN, →OCLC, page 8, →ISBN:
      Hindus often use objects to help them ‘see’ God. Many of the statues that they use in their mandirs are thought to represent God.
    • 2015 January 14, Daniel Gold, Provincial Hinduism: Religion and Community in Gwalior City[2], New York: Oxford University Press, →ISBN, →OCLC, page 58, →ISBN:
      In 2010, I revisited these colonies to see what thirteen years had brought to the mandirs planned for these new middle-class environments.
    • 1837, Asiatic Society of Bengal, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal: Volume 6, Part 2[3], page 824:
      Perhaps Mulhar Rao made the smaller mandirs, and has got credit for the whole, by the judicious appropriation of a small fund, to the support of poor brahmans, ten of whom are daily fed at Ank-pát in his name.

