See also: maple tree





mapletree (plural mapletrees)

  1. Alternative form of maple tree
    • 1902, Report of the State Entomologist on Injurious and Other Insects of the State of New York, pages 144, 863, and 897:
      The looper caterpillar has been very abundant on beech and mapletrees. A few specimens of the cottony mapletree scale insect [Pulvinaria innumerabilis Rathv.] have appeared on maples, and another scale (Lecanium ? quercitronis) was found on ironwood leaves that had withered on the branch. [] 252 Mapletree borer, Plagionotus speciosus Say. Principal food plant: sugar mapletrees. [] 1042 Insects injurious to mapletrees: white marked tussock moth and forest tent-caterpillar (pl. 1 in special paper), leopard moth and maple sesian (pl. 2 in special paper), sugar maple borer, mapletree pruner and cottony mapletree scale insect (pl. 3 of special paper).
    • 1940, Erik Tengstrand, A Contribution to the Study of Genitival Composition in Old English Place-names, Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells boktryckeri-a.-b., pages XXXIX, 111, and 231:
      In accordance with this theory, they explain Maplesden Sx as ‘denn of the mapletree’, EPNS VII (1930), 453. [] If -ra stands for -re, not for -or, -er, the 1st el. may be the gen. sg. of mapuldor f. ‘mapletree’. Hence, ‘the mapletree trunk’. [] Only one landmark, edles pyt, separates it from ‘the mapletree west of Assundene’.
    • 1995, P.E.N. Israel 1995: A Collection of Recent Writing in Israel, P.E.N. Israel, pages 88–89:
      “You must have heard” – addressed the stranger – “about the blight that has struck our mapletrees. Terrible. Some little fly has attacked our mapletrees. The papers are full of it. A real blight. Right at the core of our mapletrees. They’ve written a song about it.” [] Stefan emptied his glass and, paprika-red, declared that the authorities, apparently inspired by the Baron, had turned the mapletree into a kind of local totem.