



mashed potato-ey (comparative more mashed potato-ey, superlative most mashed potato-ey)

  1. Alternative form of mashed-potatoey.
    • 1994, Let’s Go, Inc., edited by Rachel Geman and Brian Kaplan, Let’s Go: The Budget Guide to Spain & Portugal, 1994, New York, N.Y.: St. Martin’s Press, →ISBN, page 253:
      Easy access to nightlife necessary as well as convenient: mashed potato-ey beds and a vaguely mildewy bathroom give incentive to be nocturnal.
    • 1997 January 17, Lew Cuyler, “Tight Turns”, in The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Mass.: Pittsfield Publications, Inc., page D1, column 1:
      If conditions are midwinter icy and iffy, or spring mushy and mashed potato-ey, he can go to his alpine skis.
    • 1999 February 23, Penny Schwyn, “Why did I hate these skis?”, in rec.skiing.alpine[1] (Usenet), archived from the original on 2023-11-06:
      Conditions were about 6" of new, heavy powder; mashed potato-ey by the end of the day.
    • 2000 May 22, CP1, “RR: Arcadia Lake (Kinda Long... well real long.)”, in alt.mountain-bike[2] (Usenet), archived from the original on 2023-11-06:
      Don't know if I can hold this line......tree coming..... Barely did it, evergreen tree slaps at my right side as I fly past it, mashed potato-ey sand flying right along with me.