



musicographical (not comparable)

  1. Relating to musicography.
    • 1901 December, Pratt Institue Monthly[1], volume 10, number 2, page 50:
      Two of his works have been crowned, his Bibliographie générale des Gaules by the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-lettres, and his musicographical collection, with a translation of the Poetics and Rhetoric of Aristotle, by the French Academy.
    • 1988, Turkish Music Quarterly, volume 1, page 25:
      Oransay left behind his private archives, Turk Kiig Belgeligi, which is considered the largest collection of theoretical treatises, manuscripts, musicographical and biographical works in Turkey.
    • 2003, Jacques Brunschwig, The Greek Pursuit of Knowledge[2], page 175:
      The Roman world never produced theoreticians as great as those of ancient Greece: the musicographical works of the Latin authors are very heavily indebted to the Greek thinkers, whom they did not, however, always understand.

