




  1. (childish, chiefly British) Imitating the sound of a siren on a vehicle used by emergency services.
    • 2001, Bernard MacLaverty, The Anatomy School:
      If it had not been preceded by the nee-naw of fire engines it meant that no warning had been given. There would be casualties.
    • 2004, Neil Humphreys, Notes from an Even Smaller Island:
      Whenever an opponent went down, be it genuine or feigned, the West Ham faithful would simultaneously cry 'Nee-naw, nee-naw, nee-naw, nee-naw', mimicking the sound of an ambulance.
    • 2007, Penelope Lively, Consequences:
      Tom is in rapt communion with his police car, lying on his stomach, pushing it round and round, making nee-naw noises.