



From non- +‎ acquainted.



nonacquainted (not comparable)

  1. Not acquainted; unacquainted; unfamiliar.
    • 1966, Walter L. Wallace, Student Culture, page 111:
      Perhaps nonfreshman men could communicate their aspirations with greater impact than could nonfreshman women, for whom such aspirations carried less apparent status-appropriateness.
    • 1978, College Student Personnel Abstracts - Volume 14, page 51:
      The 398 students were divided into three categories: 208 freshmen, 93 nonfreshmen who were evaluating teachers who did not teach them in their freshman year (nonacquainted nonfreshmen), and 37 nonfreshmen who were evaluating teachers who taught them in their freshman year (acquainted nonfreshmen).
    • 1995, Donald Lateiner, Sardonic Smile: Nonverbal Behavior in Homeric Epic, page 120:
      Begger and lord, Odysseus, in carefully constructed sequence, passes through Hall's four proxemic, or social distances: public (nonacquainted) beggar, social guest of Eumaios, personal friend of Penelope, and, revealed at last as Odysseus, Penelope's husband and intimate bedmate.
    • 1996, Jon W. Beard, Impression Management and Information Technology, page 12:
      Nonacquainted triads were more inhibited in their speech and seemed more concerned about how they were presenting themselves to others in their groups.
    • 2016, Justin Brian Blake, Fe: Faith:
      They agree at naming their son Destino, for the fact that he is destined for nonacquainted excellence, and neither Sir Bruno nor Lady Iylayne ever speaks of their account of The Devil with anyone; including Destino.