



Blend of offense +‎ sensitivity, coined by Berkeley Breathed



offensensitivity (uncountable)

  1. Inappropriately high sensitivity to perceived offense.
    • 1982 November 14, Berkeley Breathed, Bloom County[1]:
      (Several characters) My gosh...life is offensive!! Aaaiggh!! (Opus the penguin) Offensensitivity.
    • 1994: Tony Abbott (ed.), Internet World's on Internet (Mecklermedia, 1994), p.362
      The contents, ideas, methods, thought patterns and anything else in here including the notion of offensensitivity about this source are not in any way related to Oregon State University or any of its employees, the Oregon State System of Higher Education, or anyone else you care to hassle.
    • 2001: Mary Malmros, "MA Medical Insurance without an employer?" (2001-06-19) ne.general <58IX6.1648$iH6.171595@news.shore.net> [2]
      IMO, he didn't insult you at all, despite your volumes of "j'accuse!". It sounds like you're suffering from offensensitivity.
    • 2006: LNER, "FBOWF Jan 19" (2006-01-26) rec.arts.comics.strips <1138313162.700569.181050@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com> [3]
      Now how about we all turn down the damned offensensitivity settings, folks?
    • 2009: Firelock, "Alternative Jewish Stereotypes" (2009-05-20) soc.history.what-if <3813670e-fc00-4035-ad77-75e86e41c12c@g19g2000vbi.googlegroups.com> [4]
      Dude, crank down the offensensitivity a notch or two.