



oscillatorioid (not comparable)

  1. Being or relating to any cyanobacterium of the order Oscillatoriales.
    • 1966, Roy E. Cameron, Gerald B. Blank, United States. National Aeronautics, Space Administration, Desert algae: soil crusts and diaphanous substrata as algal habitats, page 26:
      These algae may be found in desert, as well as non-desert, soils which contain moisture that is available for an extended time period. The filamentous blue-green algae include nostocoid, scytonematoid, rivularioid, and oscillatorioid species.
    • 1971, Louis O. Quam, Horace D. Porter, Research in the Antarctic, page 178:
      Also, all of these algae appear to be typical of similar forms found in arid soils of temperate zones (Llano, 1962). The oscillatorioid forms are the most common (Drouet, 1962), []