See also: overinvolvement





over-involvement (countable and uncountable, plural over-involvements)

  1. Alternative form of overinvolvement
    • 1986, Kevin Phillips, “Toward a Bipartisan Competitiveness Strategy”, in Dave R[oss] Obey, Paul Sarbanes, editors, The Changing American Economy: Papers From the Fortieth Anniversary Symposium of the Joint Economic Committee of the United States Congress, New York, N.Y.: Basil Blackwell, →ISBN, page 211:
      Until September, for half a decade or so, the President and the Congress — at first in legitimate reaction against the federal regulatory over-involvements of the nineteen seventies — have sought to roll back government.
    • 2017 March 27, Ron Carucci, “How to Tell Your Boss to Stop Doing Your Job”, in Harvard Business Review[1], Brighton, M.A.: Harvard Business Publishing, →ISSN, →OCLC, archived from the original on 9 May 2022:
      Ask your boss to share what contribution they expect from you and what they see the scope of your role to be. If their answer aligns with your views, you know they are unaware of their over-involvement.