

Alternative forms





  1. (obsolete) Initialism of posted and emailed. [1994–early 2010s]
    • 1994 November 10, The only Golux in the World, and not a mere Device, “Persecution of the SS”, in alt.revisionism[3] (Usenet):
      According to your posted excerpts, Mayer does not blame Nazism on the Soviets or "Judeo-Bolsheviks." He does blame the mass murder of Jews on the Nazis' failing campaign against the Soviet Union -- and that assertion is the controversial part of his book, as far as I can tell from the review posted here. However, what you say he "proves abundantly" does not appear in the excerpt you posted. Could you provide a page cite to where he DOES prove that? (And can you explain how he proves it without any supporting source material?)

    • 1998 August 28, Rick Sammartino, “Hiya Everybody!”, in alt.fan.sailor-moon[4] (Usenet):
      Let us know if it works. I'm not aware of anyone actually doing it. A pic would be nice too. (but don't post it in the group)
      p&e <- means posted and emailed
    • 2003 September 8, David C Kifer, “Killing for the Greater Good (was: Re: some favourite quotes)”, in alt.quotations[5] (Usenet):
      BTW, posting and emailing is a habit I brought to AQ from another group, and is not considered necessary here.
    • 2004 December 10, Archer, “Barb”, in alt.med.fibromyalgia[6] (Usenet):
      Barb, I've already typed a reminder so you don't have to which I'll post on Sunday. It's in my "Send Later" file which pops up automatically to remind me.:)

Usage notes


It was usually written at the beginning or end of a post on Usenet to indicate that the user has sent a copy of the post by email. Though the initialism dates back to November 10, 1994, by user The only Golux in the World, and not a mere Device, the phrase "posted and emailed" was used as early as 1988.[1][2]


  1. ^ Kral (1988 May 25) “single character input”, in comp.lang.c[1] (Usenet):Thanx for all of your comments, both posted and emailed.
  2. ^ Darryl Okahata (1990 November 18) “Trouble w/ the emacs tool”, in rec.games.empire[2] (Usenet):[ This is being both posted and emailed. ]