



From paleo- +‎ flow.



paleoflow (plural paleoflows)

  1. The direction and characteristics of ancient water flow, as inferred from sedimentary structures and features such as ripple marks, crossbedding, and imbricated clasts.
    • 1984, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper, page 40:
      ... paleoflow directions; white arrows denote inferred drainage directions. Paleoflow data for the Healy quadrangle from the following sources : lower part of the Cantwell Formation, Trop (1996) and Ridgway and others (1997); upper []
    • 1994, Incised Paleovalleys of the Douglas Group in Northeastern Kansas: Field Guide and Related Contributions:
      PALEOFLOW PATTERNS / A total of 115 paleoflow measurements were obtained in the study area. About 60% of the measurements are considered accurate  []
    • 2002, Frank R. Ettensohn, Nicholas Rast, Carlton Elliot Brett, Ancient Seismites, Geological Society of America, →ISBN, pages 149, 158:
      ... paleoflow studies in the Upper Devonian Catskill Delta complex that yielded paleoflow trends generally orthogonal (west to west-northwest) to the assumed Acadian orogenic front (Table 1). [] paleoflows resulted from short-lived fault scarps that redirected the paleoflows. Assuming that fault activity did result in the anomalous-trending paleoflows, we have used the stratigraphic thicknesses of the units for which we []
    • 2005, C. A. Evenchick, Derek John Thorkelson, Geology of the Spatsizi River Map Area, North-central British Columbia, Natural Resources Canada, →ISBN, page 128:
      ... paleoflow was to the southwest for the Todagin assemblage, but may have changed to south-southeast there during deposition of the Eaglenest deltaic assemblage (Fig. 139, 141). Consistent southwesterly paleoflow in Late Jurassic strata []