




parasympatheticolytic (comparative more parasympatheticolytic, superlative most parasympatheticolytic)

  1. Alternative form of parasympatholytic
    • 1953, The Year Book of Neurology, Psychiatry, and Neurosurgery, page 373:
      Drugs used were hydergine, a sympatheticolytic and vasodilator combination of dihydroergocornine, dihydroergocristine and dihydroergokryptine, and bellergal, a combination of a parasympatheticolytic bellafoline, a sympatheticolytic ergotamine tartrate and a sedative phenobarbitone.
    • 1959, Proceedings, page 487:
      It is our interpretation that this is probably due to a parasympatheticolytic effect of alcohol.
    • 1968, Handbook of Clinical Neurology, volume 6, page 236:
      There is an occasionally important depression, and considerable drowsiness, and a parasympatheticolytic effect apparently relative to norepinephrine depletion.



parasympatheticolytic (plural parasympatheticolytics)

  1. Alternative form of parasympatholytic
    • 1958, Clinical Symposia, volume 10, page 194:
      Also, one cannot get the full effect without other systemic symptoms ranging from tachycardia for the sympatheticomimetics to dryness of the mouth in the case of the parasympatheticolytics.
    • 1961, Acta neurológica latinoamericana, page 151:
      Thus, it has been eventually possible, as well, to direct and give ground to their therapy and prophylaxis, decreasing vagal hyperreflexia by means of parasympatheticolytics; to decrease the duration and effect of cerebral anoxias by means of the Trendelemburg[sic] position; to eliminate stimulating cardio-inhibitory vagal reflexogenic factors: intestinal parasites, suppositories, enemas, nasal or auricular instillations; to correct inadecuate[sic] psychological stimuli in hypervagotonic children by means of psychopedagogy and psychotherapy.
    • 1968, Marcel Monnier, Functions of the Nervous System, page 587:
      Flemming (1954) found, after instillation of drugs into the conjunctival sac, that sympathetico-memetics and parasympatheticolytics increase the flicker frequency, while parasympathetico-memetics and sympatheticolytics reduce it. (Alpern and Jampel, 1959).
    • 2012 March 28, Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice: Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine for the Bovine Veterinarian, Elsevier, →ISBN, page 60:
      The reported clinical “successes” of treatment with carbamylcholine (a parasympathomimetic) and hyoscine (a parasympatheticolytic similar to atropine) that have opposite activities cannot be easily reconciled.
    • 2013, Michael F. Lubin, Thomas F. Dodson, Neil H. Winawer, editors, Medical Management of the Surgical Patient: A Textbook of Perioperative Medicine, 5th edition, Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, page 694:
      Dilation of the pupil is usually required prior to intraocular surgery. A combination of a topical sympathomimetic, such as phenylephrine, and a parasympatheticolytic such as cyclopentolate, atropine or others, is often used.
    • 2018 March 20, Juerg Hodler, Rahel A. Kubik-Huch, Gustav K. von Schulthess, editors, Diseases of the Abdomen and Pelvis 2018–2021, SpringerOpen, →ISBN, page 248:
      In order to optimize the urographic images, an additional administration of a diuretic or an i.v. water bolus and a parasympatheticolytic may be useful.