See also: pet-shop and pet shop





petshop (plural petshops)

  1. Alternative form of pet shop
    • 1980 August, Manuel Puig, chapter 1, in Thomas Colchie, transl., Kiss of the Spider Woman [], New York, N.Y.: Vintage Books, →ISBN, page 8:
      And he stops in front of the store where they're going and she stares at the window uncomfortably, it turns out to be a petshop that only sells birds, marvelous, in cages you can see from the window there are all kinds of birds happily flying from one perch to another, []
    • 1999, Eleanor Leach, “Discussion: Comments from a Classicist”, in Penelope M[ary] Allison, editor, The Archaeology of Household Activities, London; New York, N.Y.: Routledge, →ISBN, page 193:
      Although Lesbia's sparrow and Melior's parrot do indeed bear witness to at least an occasional Roman weakness for pet birds, it does seem unlikely that these pampered fowls will have drunk from the very same type of vessel as might be sold in the petshops of modern Pompeii.

