

Alternative forms




Borrowed from Hebrew פָּסוּל (pasul)



possul (not comparable)

  1. (Judaism) Invalid for ceremonial or official purposes.
    • 1990 December 13, David Suna, “MARRIAGE VIA INTERCOURSE”, in soc.culture.jewish[1] (Usenet):
      You should not use your best friends as witnesses as they may be considered prejudiced and may possibly be considered posul as witnesses.
    • 1994 July 25, Matthew P Wiener, “Why are Hasidim speaking for all Orthodox”, in soc.culture.jewish[2] (Usenet):
      Perhaps you should avoid this Chabad house--by your standards their sefer torah is probably possul, since it's only been checked and fixed by a chalav stam drinker.
    • 1998 March 9, Gabriel Z. Wasserman, “Purim stuff”, in soc.culture.jewish[3] (Usenet):
      I’ve seen many taleisim before, dose of Chayim and Yossel.
      But as for your tallis, I must say, dis iz definitely possul.
      I could vork on your tallis some more, but it really doesn’t pay.
      If I vere you, I vould buy a new tallis, and throw dis old von avay.