




  1. present participle and gerund of rehallow



rehallowing (plural rehallowings)

  1. An act of reallowing, especially a ceremony of reconsecration.
    • 1914, The Christian World Pulpit - Volumes 86-87, page 52:
      It was still Bethel—the house of God, and the revisiting of it meant a rehallowing of his life and the life of all his household.
    • 1928, R. H. Kennett, “The Day of Atonement”, in Old Testament Essays, Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, page 117:
      The question may however be asked, in view of the tremendous importance attached to the Day of Atonement in the Talmud, whether such a celebration could have arisen almost fortuitously out of a rehallowing on some definite occasion.
    • 2010, Nick Lambert, Llandaff Cathedral, page 112:
      The new stalls for the Chapter and choir were not ready when the rehallowing of the nave took place, so that temporary arrangements had to be made using such salvaged furniture as could be found.