




  1. (archaic) second-person singular simple past indicative of restore
    • 1598, The Bible: Translated According to the Ebrew and Greeke, and Conferred with the Best Translations in Diuers Languages. [], London: [] the Deputies of Christopher Barker, [], page 272:
      That after that thou haddeſt condemned me to death, thou reſtoredſt me to life.
    • 1604, The Whole Booke of Psalmes:· With Their Wonted Tunes, as They Are Sung in Churches, Composed into Foure Parts: [], London: [] Thomas Este, for the companie of Stacioners, pages 153–154:
      THou haſt beene mercifull indeede, O Lord vn-to thy land: For thou reſtoredſt Iacobs ſeede, from thraldome out of band.
    • 1641, E[dward] B[rowne], A Description of an Annuall VVorld. Or, Briefe Meditations upon All the Holy-Daies in the Yeere. With Certaine Briefe Poeticall Meditations of the Day in Generall, and All the Daies in the Weeke., London: [] E. G[riffin], pages 338–339:
      Grant I beſeech thee, that as they were two yeares bewailing their miſeries, and thou thy ſelfe two dayes in the bed of the grave, and in the third raiſedſt thy ſelfe, and reſtoredſt them to joy in the third yeare; []
    • 1651, Jos[eph] Hall, “Soliloq[uy] XXIX. The spirituall Bedleem.”, in Susurrium cum Deo. Soliloquies: Or, Holy Self-conferences of the Devout Soul, [], 2nd edition, London: [] Will[iam] Hunt, and are to be sold by George Lathum junior, [], →OCLC, page 116:
      O thou, that art the great and ſoveraigne Phyſician of ſoules; that after ſeven yeares brutality, reſtoredſt the frantick Babylonian to his ſhape and ſenſes, looke downe mercifully upon our Bedleem, and reſtore the diſtracted VVorld to their right temper once againe: []
    • 1688, Motives to Holy Living, or Heads for Meditation. Divided into Considerations. Counsels. Duties. Together with Some Forms of Devotion in Litanies, Collects, Doxologies, &c., Oxford, pages 333 and 335:
      O God the Father of heaven, Have mercy on us. [] Who raiſedſt the daughter of Jairus, Ruler of the Synagogue, being newly dead; who reſtoredſt to life the only Son of his Mother, that was dead and carried forth into the ſtreet; who raiſedſt Lazarus, after he had lain four days, from the grave; Have mercy on us.
    • 1704, Geo[rge] Stanhope, transl., Pious Breathings. Being the Meditations of St. Augustine, His Treatise of the Love of God, Soliloquies, and Manual. To Which Are Added, Select Contemplations from St. Anselm & St. Bernard., 2nd edition, London: [] S. and J. Sprint [], page 204:
      For I was entirely in the hands of Death, and thou reſtoredſt me entire to Life.
    • 1706, Devotions in the Ancient Way of Offices. With Psalms, Hymns, and Prayers, for Every Day of the Week, and Every Holiday in the Year. Reformed by a Person of Quality, and Published by George Hickes, D.D., III. edition, London: [] E. Mead, for John Nicholson, []; and John Sprint, [], page 355:
      O deareſt Lord, who madeſt us firſt of nothing; and reſtoredſt us again when we had undone our ſelves: []