
A rubber jungle





rubber jungle (plural rubber jungles)

  1. (aviation, informal) In a commercial passenger airliner, the dense, forest-like profusion of suspended tubes, straps, bags, and masks which results when large numbers of oxygen masks are deployed.
    • 2006 May 15, Meryl Getline, “Ask the Captain: When oxygen masks mysteriously appear”, in USAToday.com, retrieved 21 March 2014:
      By the way, when all the masks are hanging out, it's sometimes referred to as the "rubber jungle."
    • 2007 March 18, Jeff Bailey, “After service disruptions, airlines are saying they're sorry”, in New York Times, retrieved 21 March 2014:
      From the day before, an accidental deployment of oxygen masks—a rubber jungle, in airline-speak—was discussed.
    • 2013, Jim Lewis, Short Tales by a Tall Pilot, →ISBN, page 89:
      I looked back to see what was going on, and observed a rubber jungle of oxygen masks hanging from the overhead bins.