Swedish edit

Etymology edit

slask (wet waste) +‎ tratt (funnel)

Noun edit

slasktratt c

  1. a sink intended as the main sink for discharging wastewater, often with a large perforated outlet (in a double bowl kitchen sink)
    Synonyms: slask, vask
  2. a more or less funnel-shaped bowl connected to a drain, for discharging wastewater
  3. (figuratively) a place where (undesirable) things are dumped, a dumping ground
    • 2001 May 12, Eva Erman, En medicinsk slasktratt[1], Dagens Nyheter:
      Mina associationer för mig till ordet schizofreni och hur detta användes mer eller mindre som en slasktratt inom psykiatrin under större delen av det förra seklet. De psykiska symptom man inte riktigt kunde förstå kunde man i alla fall föra in under benämningen schizofreni.
      My associations bring me to the word schizophrenia and how it was used more or less as a dumping ground within psychiatry for the greater part of the last century. The psychological symptoms you didn't really understand you could at least put under the heading of schizophrenia.

Usage notes edit

The other basin is the diskho.

Declension edit

Declension of slasktratt 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative slasktratt slasktratten slasktrattar slasktrattarna
Genitive slasktratts slasktrattens slasktrattars slasktrattarnas

See also edit

References edit