




  1. Obsolete spelling of slimy.
    • 1599, [Thomas] Nashe, Nashes Lenten Stuffe, [], London: [] [Thomas Judson and Valentine Simmes] for N[icholas] L[ing] and C[uthbert] B[urby] [], →OCLC, page 9:
      By and by after his iumping vppon them, the Saxons for that Garianonum, or Yarmoth that had giuen vp the ghoſt, in thoſe ſlymie plaſhie fieldes of Gorlſtone trowled vp a ſecond Yarmouth, abutting on the Weſt ſide of the ſhore of this great Yarmouth, that is, but feeling the ayre to be vnholſome and diſagreeing with them, to the ouerwhart brink or verge of the flud, that writ all one ſtile of Cerdicke ſands, they diſlodged with bagge and baggage, and there layde the foundatiõ of a third Yarmouth Quam nulla poteſt abolere vetuſtas, that I hope will holde vp her head till Doomeſday.
    • 1609, Richard Carew, The Survey of Cornwall. [], new edition, London: [] B. Law, []; Penzance, Cornwall: J. Hewett, published 1769, →OCLC:
      There swimmeth also in the Sea, a round slymie substance, called a Blobber, reputed noysome to the fish.

